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Tuition and Fees

Discover everything you need to know about our tuition fees and payment plans. At KIS, we provide clear, easy-to-understand details so you can make informed choices for your child’s education.


1. Admission Fee: a once-only non-refundable payment of 600 000 KZT per child, paid upon enrollment.

2. Reservation Fee - 1/3 from the annual tuition fee, is paid in tenge at the exchange rate of the Kazakhstan Stock Exchange (KASE). The reservation fee guarantees your child a place in the grade.

The reservation fee is non-refundable if your child is withdrawn for any reason


Early Years Program EYP Admission Fee Annual Tuition Fee Entrance Test School Uniform

Toddlers - 2 year old: half day option

600 000 KZT 5 725 USD - -
Toddlers - 2 year old: full day option 600 000 KZT 10 000 USD - -
Pre-K 3 - 3 year old: half day option 600 000 KZT 7 875 USD - -
Pre-K 3 - 3 year old: full day option 600 000 KZT 10 250 USD - -
Pre-K 4 - 4 year old: full day option 600 000 KZT 11 750 USD - -
Kindergarten - 5 year old: full day option 600 000 KZT 14 250 USD - -


Primary Years Program PYP Admission Fee Annual Tuition Fee Entrance Test School Uniform
Grades 1, 2 600 000 KZT 19 750 USD 20 000 KZT 6 500 + KZT
Grades 3, 4, 5 600 000 KZT 21 000 USD 20 000 KZT 6 500 + KZT


Middle Year Program MYP Admission Fee Annual Tuition Fee Entrance Test School Uniform
Grades 6, 7, 8 600 000 KZT 22 500 USD 20 000 KZT 7 500 + KZT
Grades 9, 10 600 000 KZT 24 250 USD 20 000 KZT 7 500 + KZT


Diploma Program DP Admission Fee Annual Tuition Fee Entrance Test School Uniform
Grades 11, 12 600 000 KZT 26 500 USD 20 000 KZT 7 500 + KZT

Tuition Fees are fixed at these US dollar (USD) equivalents for the duration of the school year. In case of devaluation of the Kazakhstani tenge (KZT), the amount payable in KZT will increase.

When paying the tuition fee in installments at each billing period, the tuition fee amount in KZT is determined using the USD/KZT Kazakhstan stock exchange rate on the day the fees are paid.

Billing Periods

Payment for the 2024-2025 Academic year and for school bus service delivery can be payed in three equal tranches, in the following payment periods:

12 - 13 August

1/3 from the Annual Tuition Fee + 600 000 - Admission Fee

14 - 15 October

1/3 from the Annual Tuition Fee

5- 6 February

1/3 from the Annual Tuition Fee

An invoice will be sent out before the end of the preceding school year for the first billing period, and 7 calendar days before the beginning of the second and third billing periods.

Each installment of the school fees must be paid in full during these billing periods.
Late payment of fees after the billing period will carry a 0.5% surcharge for each calendar day that fees are late.

Surcharges will be made in the following cases:

1. If paying in monthly installments, there is a surcharge of 10% to school fees. If paying monthly, each installment must be made by the 6th of each month, starting in September.

If the 6th of the month is a holiday, the fees must be paid by the close of school (3.45pm) on the second day of the school being back in session.

2. Late payment of fees after the billing period will carry a 0.5% surcharge for each calendar day that fees are late. In case of late payment, a second invoice will be issued for parents, starting the projected surcharge fees.

3. If fees are not paid by the tenth day after the billing period, the relevant child(ren) will not be allowed to attend school. The child(ren) may return to school only when all relevant fees and outstanding bills have been cleared with the KIS accounting office.

These surcharges cannot be waived.

Additional Fees

Entrance exam (Grade 1-12):
20 000 KZT per child

Admission fee:
A once-only non-refundable payment of 600 000 KZT per child, paid upon enrollment.


Additional Services

Transportation (school bus service): 

650 000 KZT per year for return journeys 500 000 KZT per year for one way journeys

Meals: 3 500 - 5 741 KZT per day (depending on the Grade)

During the academic year, the After-School Activities (ASA)/Before-School Activities (BSA), consist of 4 periods.

Some of them organized and run by our own teaching staff are usually free of charge.

However, please note that some after-school activities may require a small charge to cover costs; for example, if they are run by external providers, or use external facilites.

Sibling Discount

For families with more than one child at KIS there is a discount of 5% for the second child and a discount of 20% for each subsequent child.

These discounts are not cumulative.